
Thursday 1 March 2012

Economy :Money Tips # 11 - 15

11. Always check the costs of any investment product. Some products are prohibitively expensive. You should be given a breakdown of the costs in three ways: as a percentage of your investment; as a fixed amount; and as the amount by which the costs will reduce your investment at maturity date. Be very careful if the costs are more than six percent at entry and more than two percent a year thereafter. 

12. Always check how much commission is being paid to your financial adviser. Some financial products – particularly those offered by so-called linked investment product providers – come with particularly high costs and commissions. High commissions can be a perverse incentive for advisers to mis-sell. 

13. A product offering a range of underlying investment product choices, such as a wide collection of unit trust funds, is often not in your best interests and may come at additional cost. Be very cautious if anyone recommends that you invest in a linked investment product with a wide selection of underlying investment choices. Remember that linked investment products come in many forms and are also offered by life assurance companies. The simpler and cheaper solution may be to invest in a properly diversified unit trust fund, such as an asset allocation fund that offers underlying investments in all the main asset classes, such as cash, bonds and shares. 

14. Don’t be afraid to negotiate commissions/fees for financial advice. Most financial products allow you to do this. After all, it is your money. 

15. If you have a choice, should you pay a fee or commission for financial advice? As a general rule, a fee is better for large amounts of money and a commission for smaller amounts.

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